Secondary Resource Base - The John of Gaunt School
EQUA Multi Academy Trust and The John of Gaunt School are pleased to announce that we are to broaden our provision to our wider community through the opening of a new Communication & Interaction Resource Base for young people.
The resource base will support students with an EHCP who have communication and interaction needs. These learners require individualised intervention and will benefit from supported academic and social inclusion in a mainstream school environment. Up to ten students will be placed in the resource base provision for Year 7, with a plan to increase these numbers and offer placements to other year groups over time.
This venture, in collaboration with Wiltshire Council, increases the opportunities available to students who require this form of specialist provision to enable them to experience a happy and successful education that may not have been accessible in the past. At The John of Gaunt School, we are proud of the role we are taking in this project and look forward to opening the resource base in the very near future.
The purpose of the attached consultation document is to provide information and the proposed Resource Base and to give parents, carers and local education providers the opportunity to share any views they may have.